Sunday, November 29, 2009

My New Clothes dryer for my birthday

I have never been so happy as to get a 'dryer' for my birthday. We gave Alicia my LG Front Loading Washer and Dryer when we stopped in New Jersey. The temporary housing we were provided came only with a Washer. Our friend below us has a Washer/Dryer Combo, but since we are supposedly temporary in this building I just got the Washer, I had to resort to setting my clothes out on the ironing board for the past 3 weeks, but my honey was kind enough to get me the top of the line Dryer

Notice all the features, it is feather light, has no ink on it to stain my clothers, has locking hinges and I can hang my pants off the sweet. And think of all the energy I am saving the Govt. of Abu Dhabi. I am sure glad he (Art) did not waste money on that new fangled Dryer..At least I don't have to resort to washing and drying out by the old Cement Pond (ala Beverly Hillbillies)... but Arts friend Harry Houck would be proud of me using Solar to dry my clothes.. In this heat, they dry in minutes... Happy Eid to all (now look that one up)...Marta and Art

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