Friday, November 6, 2009

Last Friday in the USA

I finally received my tickets for the UAE. We leave Monday from Boston Logan Airport, via Frankfurt then on to Abu Dhabi. We are so busy all day for the past several days and I am sure this weekend also. Finding space for all my stuff here is proving more difficult then I thought. It is the quiet time here in North Conway. Cold, in the 30's during the day and 20's at night. We had a little bit of snow yesterday, Art raked leaves from all the lawns and worked on his Inn bookeeping. I packed and unpacked...then decided to buy a fourth large suit case, I am allowed 4 bags, up to 70 pounds each, Art will get a carryon size only as he is only staying 4 weeks to begin with.

My work Visa arrived also, so now I am officially allowed to enter the country. Last night for dinner Art took me to the Stonehurst Manor. A large old inn up on a hill. It has a lovely sitting area with a huge old fireplace and a small bar. They have Thursday nights specials 2 entrees for the price of one. It was full of the local townspeople and the food was great. Our waitress was a good friend of Art's employee so we had a good time. Art had a pork chop because in 4 days no more PORK in the Muslim country we are going to.

No pictures as we are too busy to take any. Take care my friends, Marta

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