Monday, November 9, 2009

Last USA Post

We are off in a few minutes, waiting for Peggy to take us to the Bus Station for our ride to Boston, then on to Germany, then the UAE. We finished everything up here in North Conway early yesterday, then took De La Torre Naps all afternoon. After the Patriots won their Football game we got up and took a walk into town.

Art took me to "Decades" a local restaurant where he has been sending guests lately. It was deserted on a Sunday Evening, only us and a couple at the bar. The economy is bad here. One of the inns about 6 miles from us just walked away from their business the last week of October. We used to send guests there for dinner, the Bernerhof Inn, good German Food. Anyone want a large Inn with a small Motel down the road ? It will mostl likely auction off in about 6 months.

I am excited and ready to start work. Being off work for almost 3 weeks is very unusual for me and I will have a lot to do when I arrive in country. Art is somewhat intimidated and worried about his business, he set up automatic payments for the majority of his bills and also "Direct Deposit" for his employees. He can't get much more prepared but there is always something he thinks of most every hour of the day and off he goes to do it. Running your own business is a tireless 18 hour a day job and he enjoys his beer's in the few off hours he gets.

Well my friends and family, my next post will be from either the German Airport where we have a 4 hour layover or Abu Dhabi on Tuesday Night....we arrive very late, will be met and driven over to temporary quarters...and that's all I know for certain, so many unknowns, but hey it makes life interesting....we don't have time to be bored !!! Take care and love to all !

1 comment:

  1. Hope your trip was smooth and that you're back online soon with the continuing adventure! Love to you and Art.
