Monday, November 23, 2009

Lost Purse

This is the beach Walkway in front of our home, called the Corniche
Our 2 Apt. is behind the 3 building from the left, we have a peak of the ocean, (see below)

In front of our building, the Corniche road is lined with Apts, Oil Co. offices, Car dealers and Mosques

This is the view from our balcony, we have this peak of the marina, the huge modern new Marina Mall (Art was facinated that they wash the white tent structure daily) and beyond that the Arabian Sea. High Speed boat races were held right below this past weekend (loud)

I did the most stupid dreadful thing a person can do in a foreign country (short of getting arrested) and that was I lost my purse on Sunday, my first day of orientation. I thought I could sleep a bit later, but when I got to the bus shuttle stop, there was no bus..but I saw it on the far side of the block so I ran down there, it drove right past me back to where I started so I ran back there. It turned and I could see it passing between buildings, and finally caught it, out of breath. The driver must have thought I was just waving frantically to him to greet him....I have to sign in on the shuttle bus all the time, Name, Badge Number Date, Time, Destination, First born child....and I set my purse down on the floor to do this as my arms were full with Orientation binders, etc. I went to Orientation, then my office and at lunch looked for my wallet ....NO PURSE...I called Art, is it at it in the orientation meeting room NO....wallet, passport, visa, all letters of Officialdom, credit cards, $$$, all gone........................................................................I was overwhelmed and frustated to beat all.

Well it turned out the bus driver found it and kept is securely by his side as he made his rounds all day, waiting for me to come back...I ride the shuttle all day long but this day only in the morning. He called his supervisor, who called my office and my Patient Accounts manager ran down to the transport department and there was my purse with all the contents fully intact...The driver was so apologetic that I had lost my purse...I thanked him profusely, I did not know if it was OK to reward him, he was beaming with pride. We do have an equivalent "Sunshine Card" , but I want to recognize him for his honesty and integrity. My CFO says that in this country there is almost no theft as the punishment is so severe (jail automatically immediately until trial) no bail. And surely deportation.....People leave there cars running with the keys in them everywhere in the summer to keep the AC on. I am blessed to have gotten all my stuff back.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marta. So happy to know that you are somewhat getting familiar with your new adoptive country. These pictures are great! The views are spectacular. Hope you will have a good Thanksgiving this week.

