Friday, November 27, 2009

5.2 KM walk today

We took a 5 km walk today down to the EAST end of the Corniche, we live on the West end. The Dhow Harbor is filled with these working Dhows, they fish the local waters with nets

The Emerates Palace Hotel, one of a handful of 7 Star hotels in the world, Rooms go up to $17,000 per night during festivals, only 302 rooms in the huge hotel complex. I took this shot from about 3 Km away, We will take some night shots soon as it is spec tacular when lit. Some suites have their own private beach area. Rhiana will play on New Years Eve
This is about the average size of boats in the Marina Mall area, the large ones are moored somewhere else I guess. Some that belong to the Royal family have heli pads on them

At Heritage Village, this is a depiction of a bedoin tent, note the A/C unit. Today when people camp in the desert, they take these units and diesel generators to power them. People camp in the Winter, when the nigts cool down to the 70's

Marta gets a transportation allowance. It showed up today (ha ha ha). Another exhibit at Heritage village
We did the 5 Km walk today to try to see the entire Corniche, we failed by about 200 yards, the beating sun drained us and it was only in the 80's. and a little bit humid. It took us 2 hours and we took a taxi back to our Apt. I finally dipped my toes into the Arabian sea, so now I have been in 3 oceans, the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arabian Sea (not an ocean ?)..
Art and I watched a Hanna Montana marathon today...strange but true, along with som computer work. I am putting together and Issues list from the 100 or so emails I have received and my meetings with all my staff over the past week or so. We seem to have our fair share of things to work out and I see quite a challenge ahead for me. We have process and systems issues, not in any particualar order that will take months to fully grasp. We are undergoing a major system upgrade in about 2 weeks to the Financial systems and the Clinical systems are changing from Meditech to Cerner the first weekend in December. All this change is sure to make my life more challenging at the Hospital. I miss all my friends and co-workers back at St Agnes. Take care and email me some time, my email address is ''

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