Hello, it has been 1 week, 7 days since we got on the plane for the UAE and we finally have time to update our blog....we left the camera at our Apt. so I can't upload any pictures right now, will do later in a few days
We flew into Abu Dhabi over the Saudi Arabian Desert and looking out over the desolate sand, was our first inclination that we were really in a foreign country...miles and miles of 'nothing' but sand. It was dark as we landed and suddenly the lights of Abu Dhabi lit up the ground...we got through passport control right after they made me take an Eye Scan to make sure I was not some foreign spy or something.
Someone (KAREEM) met us and had a driver take us to our hotel apt. It is a 2 bedroom apt, with full kitchen, Clean and adequate. IT WAS 10 pm and there was no Toilet paper...so we went down to security, Robi, told us there was a market 2 blocks away..we got TP and som other necessities. \more of that later.,\
We are on the 19th floor of a 20 storey tower, we have an ocean view to our right and a construction view to our left. Will post pictures later. We are on the beach, out front is a restaurant, then the Corniche. the Corniche extends all along the beach, it is a wide walkway and park all along the city.. We walk the 3 kilometers to the Marina MALL where 1.2 million dollar jewelry and gaga gaga clothing is proudly displayed..there are just a few shoppers, the floors are so clean you can eat off them. really, really clean...did i say clean...they are clean...ok so clean that about every 50 feet there is a cleaning guy cleaning...it is huge..we have only been on 1 or 2 floors and there are 3 floors, and we get lost a lot.
We have walked parts of the city. it is clean outside...no homeless people \9all deported)...everyone must work or they are deported. any crime and you are deported....like cleanliness, if you misbehave, you are deported...so very little crime.
Will write more later, we are in the Bosses apt. alone as he went bowling and we needed computer access, ours is not up yet and we have no phone yet.\
Take care All.
\marta and art