Friday, February 19, 2010

Lazy Day Off at the Beach

It's Friday, (our Saturday) and it is warming up just a bit to the mid to high 70's. We decided to go to the beach after breakfast as we heard music and saw lots of peope in black T-shirts. Today was a benefit called Terry Fox Cancer Awareness Fun Run. It must have started early in the day, we got there at 10 am and the festivities were over. A marching band was playing, and they were giving out free refreshments left over from the runners tables. We took a few pictures of the beach today.
Wake Board take off float for public use

For the next 2 weeks you can do free wakeboarding as this man is doing. They have a cable stretched about 200 meters accross that pulls peopled back and forth.

This yacht was anchored just offshore, earlier the Hull opened up on the port side and 2 jet skis de-boated and off they went around the marina and breakwater at breakneck speeds. Then the hull opened up again and swallowed them up. Art estimates it is about 100 fee in length at least, this is shot with the 12x zoom.
We are apartment hunting, so Art found a website that offers good like new used furniture from all the people who leave the UAE. They have some good appliances like Fridge and Oven (called Cooker) here. There is also bedroom and living room furniture. Quite a lot actually so this place is about 1 block behind our current flat and we visited it briefly, the owner was going off to pray at the moment we arrived, so we will go back in about 2 weeks to see if we can start to furnish our new place when we get it. We have a good furniture allowance, but nevertheless we want to be thrifty as much as we can

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Marta! I'm checking your blog from time to time. Sounds as though "interesting" hardly describes your life these days. Didn't know that Art was looking for a job over there, too, but it would be nice for both of you if he can find the right thing. Good luck with the apartment hunting! St. Agnes trucks on - the CEO candidate turned us down, but Dan Camp hired Elaine Tamura as a staff morale booster in HR. Hooray!
    All the best! / Nancy Crossfield
