Friday, February 5, 2010

The Balloon Ride that didn't happen !

Woke up this morning (Friday) and discovered that the town has been swept up in a desert sandstorm. Not quite as bad as the one depicted in this picture, but you get a good understanding of what a desert blow can look like in a matter of minutes. The balloon company called the group leader late last night to call off the trip due to forcasted high winds and rain (a rarity for rain). So instead of getting high up on the balloon, we had a breakfast brunch instead. About 12 folks showed up and at least 12 bottles of champagne were consumed along with a lot of local flavors..An Eastman Inn Quiche, Indian Breakfast, dates, fruit and of course bacon and eggs. A good substitute for the balloon ride...although the headache will soon be arriving I am sure !!!

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