Monday, March 1, 2010

15 Minutes in America - By Art

So today I went to America......for 15 minutes or so. I had to have something notarized and the US Embassy will do it for a nominal fee. I had a taxi take me there, (making sure first that he did not hava a black kerchief tied to his mirror) ( a sign of a Taliban sympathizer)...anyway I was a bit aprehensive at first as this was my first time to an Embassy. Other then when Mr. Bourne goes in all 3 episodes...I could not take pictures for security purposes, but the building is Odd shaped like some geometric hexa something...kinda like a stealth fighter design with hard angles sloping back, no inside corners..I assume to thwart any type of attack. The doors, all glass were double thick and HEAVY to open and close. I had to go through 3 security stations and pat downs...I shared this with a REAL American..a biker dude with long hair and an American Flag bandana as a head scarf under his helmet, and a week old beard. He was my age and like me a dependant of a working American woman. We went through the checkpoints together as you have to go through 2 buildings to get the inside...we both said at about the same moment..."It's nice to be in America" and laughed and stopped for a few moments at a memorial dedicated to Marines who had died defending other Embassies in the world. He was an ex Marine and he saluted and shed a tear or two, then we proceeded in. It was totally empty of visitors other then the 2 of us. We had to take a number and we joked as we both wanted to have the other go first... The grounds were pleasant and shady, we did not see any Marines, although I am sure they were seeing us....I kinda delayed leaving as long as I could, talked to the Philipino Guards, picked up my Cell Phone at the first gate and caught a Taxi back. Told the biker I would buy him a beer if we ever meet up again at the Sheraton or Hilton Hotels...he was from the outskirts in a surburban housing area of Villas and his wife worked for an Oil company.

It's 2:30 pm and time for the beach....the next post will have a lot of pictures as this weekend we are going ballooning and to the Wakeboard should be fun.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Art, here's a picture from Flickr...
