Sunday, July 25, 2010

July in Abu Dhabi

We have not posted much lately as we have too busy working and moving. The heat exhausts us and the move went slowly even though we mostly had just clothes and small stuff, no furniture. This is the odd shaped patio, we have a balconey from all 3 bedrooms and the kitchen and living room. There are odd shaped rooms, as the building has a lot of curves in it. Pretty hard to place furniture
We have a 3 bedroom 4 bath flat on the main Corniche Road. It is a brand new building, owned by the Sheikh's brother and wife. There are 3 Apt. buildings and 1 Rotanna Hotel in the complex. The Hotel is not open yet, probably in another 3 or 4 weeks, then we will have a restaurant within walking distance. We hope to join the Gym at the Hotel as that is a common practice here. We have a great view of the Emerates Palace hotel via our floor to ceiling windows seen above, the windows are dirty and the window washers should come through soon

Even the kitchen is triangular, but it is roomy. I think it needs a center island, but hey that's just me. I like all the room. Marta bought all new stainless steel appliances, some used furniture and some new. The walls are bare still and my office has only 2 desks and sounds hollow. It needs a rug or something to keep down the echos. Well off to work early today. Hope to catch some clinic employees sleeping !!!

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