Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fire in the Hole !

So If you own 1/6th of the worlds oil and you have too many yachts in your harbor, how do u make room for that next 50 footer ? You burn it down !
I work up last Saturday, got my mug of coffee and went to my usual day off waking spot, My chair on the balconey. Off accross the breakwater a boat fire had just started within a few minutes the boat was entirely engulfed in flames and there was not much any one could do.

Later that afternoon, we took a drive around town and drove to the marina, they were just hauling the boat up onto a flat bed truck, it was burned flat as a pancake, about 4 feet tall left of about a 50 or 60 foot yacht . I took a picture with my cell phone, but have not uploaded that picture yet !!!

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