Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Wow, leaving tomorrow for the states

Marta and Art are leaving for the states tonight, we can't wait to get out of here and the humidity for awhile. as I write this the windows are dripping with humidity and the car A/C is barely keeping the car cool. We are off to the Inn for 10 days, then Denver, Oregon, Fresno, Santa Barbara, then back to the Inn for Art and Abu Dhabi for Marta. We took some pictures last week of our new place, posted herehttp://picasaweb.google.com/eastmaninn/EarlyMorningAbuDhabiWalk?feat=email#

It is better and easier to just view the link then re post all the pictures. it is a beautiful building on the outside, all the points like a sail, there are 4 buildings, 3 apartment buildings and 1 large hotel that is opening this weekend, we will miss the grand opening, but that is just fine, we hope to see as many friends and family as possible

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