Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How do you blog when you are exhausted

We have not blogged much lately because we are so tired after work. Marta and I both work long hours trying to do a good job at our respective hospitals. Working until 7 or 8 pm seems to happen more ofthe then we like. Our friends here keep telling us to stop and we probably will because no matter how much we do, the work never stops. It is ironic that we are both doing the same type of job in Hospital Finance.

I can't wait though to go back to the Inn in New Hampshire. The heat here is starting to rise, along with the humidity. Last night we took our first short walk in about 3 weeks. At 9 pm it was still in the high 80's and the humidity was around 40% with just a little breeze. We did not walk long and stopped at an Oriental Carpet shop and Art bought a 5 x 8 handmade carpet from Pakistan. at 1000 local dhirhams...less then 300 US dollars. The service around here is pretty good, they had one of the workers carry it for us back to our apartment.

Speaking of apartments, we put a deposit down on the apartment we wanted. It is a brand new building and we chose one on the 10th floor facing the Emerates Palace Hotel and the Marina. The ones in the back of the building faced a lot more ocean, but the ocean around the back of the island is all face sand islands completely void of anything but future building sites. At night the Palace is lit up pretty nice. We plan on spending many an hour out on the balconey this year.

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