Friday, April 23, 2010

Womad Abu Dhabi 2010...World Music Festival

Opening Act, of the Concert, a local sat in with an UK group
2 stages allowed for continous music as we went back and forth between sets

This group was from North Africa, they had a variety of music, notice all the bald white men in attendance.

The last act for this African Band called Rango...he had the crowd swaying and a singing

The warm breezy evening was just perfect for the venue on the and adults alike swam in the Arabian Sea, boats had pulled up to listen to the music

This weekend is the 3 day Abu Dhabi World Music and Arts Festival, I believe there are 45 or so groups playing on 2 Main Stages and 3 smaller Tented stages each evening. It is a lot cooler in the evening, just perfect and the music is fantastic. This North African Band from Egypt and Sudan had a variety of singers. This guy stole the show as he closed out the set. I did not stay til the 1:30 am ending, but I saw 3 different bands. Another awesome weekend here with free entertainment. I continue to want all my USA friends to continue driving their gas hog cars so that my temporary country keeps making tons of $$ to support these weekely free events....Take a Spring drive, use up an extra tankful...I will appreciate it a lot !!!!!

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