Sunday, December 20, 2009

Marta Can't Log In to Post

Oh My dear Marta cannot figure out how to log in in 'arabic'...I must admit, that you must put in your password first, then your user name....OK...rather then her not posting I will for her...I actually finally spoke with her yesterday..Thank You 'SKYPE'....she is deep into work...finding many issues that need to be resolved..The first thing that Marta did was create an 'issues' list in her first couple of weeks. It's a pretty long list but she has started to put together a plan and is still meeting with all the 'correct players' at the Hospital. Marta has started to make friends and since I have been gone she started meeting people for dinner and the 'rare' drink in this Muslim country. In February we will begin to look for a permanent place to live, that sounds scary, but she has met many 'expats' who have lived up to a dozen years here. One nurse just does 6 month stints and is about to move on to someplace in Africa. I would like to go on a Safari to see the Great Migration of the Wildebeest herds next summer. I head back in a couple of weeks, I am just waiting for Alicia to give birth to my first grandchild. She is huge, baby around 8 lbs and she still has 2 weeks to go. Big Ultrascan due on Wednesday to check on a more accurate Size...we are hoping for long and skinny to avoid a C-section. Here is a picture of her from last month.

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