Saturday, October 31, 2009

Topeka, Indianapolis, New Jersey

We did not post for a couple of days cause we were so tired and the Holiday Inn Express did not have wireless....On Thurs we went from Topeka Kansas to Indianapolis, staying just ahead or in a little bit of rain. And on Friday from there at 5 in the morning to New Jersey, that was a 15 hour, 753 mile drive and Art was pretty tired and our GPS went out when we hit the NJ turnpike with about 50 miles and a lot of manuevering to do. But my hero made it safely to Alicia's house and 2 beers and 1 stiff Crown Royale later he was fully decompressed! Pennsylvania was the most beautiful state, a lot of fall colors and we saw a few Amish women at a rest stop. After that we were so determined to get to NJ on Friday that we did not speak much, we just drove and got out to rest a few times to stretch our legs (and butts). Here

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