Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pictures of Mid America

Here are just a few pics of the trip thru Indiana and Ohio..then the battery died !

Topeka, Indianapolis, New Jersey

We did not post for a couple of days cause we were so tired and the Holiday Inn Express did not have wireless....On Thurs we went from Topeka Kansas to Indianapolis, staying just ahead or in a little bit of rain. And on Friday from there at 5 in the morning to New Jersey, that was a 15 hour, 753 mile drive and Art was pretty tired and our GPS went out when we hit the NJ turnpike with about 50 miles and a lot of manuevering to do. But my hero made it safely to Alicia's house and 2 beers and 1 stiff Crown Royale later he was fully decompressed! Pennsylvania was the most beautiful state, a lot of fall colors and we saw a few Amish women at a rest stop. After that we were so determined to get to NJ on Friday that we did not speak much, we just drove and got out to rest a few times to stretch our legs (and butts). Here

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Notice the Snow

We delayed leaving for about an hour to see if the snow would slow down, it is not, so we are on the road by 08:15.. I put a picture of the Kansas here 2 times...that is because it all looks the same, just flat fields of Corn and Wheat, all brown now that it is late fall. It was a long boring day today with Gray skies after we got out of the snow storm. We are spending the night at a Ramada Inn in Topeka, Kansas. We hope to make Columbus Ohio tomorrow, about 600 Plus miles..

Denver Grandkids ! and Art and SNOW on the Road

Today is Wednesday and we woke up to news that Denver was going to get between 6 inches and 12 inches of snow. A light dusting was on the road by the time we woke up. The Kids got a call at 6am, it's a SNOW day off of school today. Oh great what are we to do. Art wants to get started right away and beat the storm as it moves east over the next 3 days. Here are some Pics of our grandkids:

Denver and Beyond

Art and I spent 2 nights in Denver visiting my son Robert, his wife Rachel and their FIVE (5) children. Art was exhausted after driving for 12 hours and coming down the was in the 30's and it had snowed a few days before. Art was in Sandals and Shorts, I had to fill him up with Starbucks near Vail in order for him to make it down the mountain. We had a great visit with the family, took a lot of pictures (still in the camera in the truck). We had a good barbeque and Art played Frisbee and tag with the Kids, I pulled a back muscle so I mostly visited with Robert and Rachel.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Wonderful Husband/Truck Driver

Isn't he cute, he is my Trucker !

Pictures of Utah, a beautiful place

The Beginning - Getting Accross America

I am off to Abu Dhabi via Denver and New York.....we stopped in Utah for some site seeing. Art took this picture of me by the truck. My adventure has begun ! Our first night was spent in Cedar Tree Utah. We ate at a Denny's (blah). Next Stop Denver